Trust in God, the dependence on supernatural powers!
Religion, God
Ten greatest gifts; love, joy, peace, patience, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Love, Faithfulness
Never be afraid to travel on a new path.
God, Time Travel
We can do nothing on our own except by the power of the Holy Spirit.
God answers every prayer timely
God of miracles.God of wonders.
God, Spiritual Growth
In a dry and thirsty land, my soul thirsts for the living God, the living water.
Soul, Longing
God shall supply my every need.
God, Positive Mindset
God is our great helper.
In times of solitude, I have find rest for my soul and uphold the glory of inner peace.
Peace, Soul
God cares. He will supply all your needs.
Keep the faith. It is the greatest gift.
Faith, God
It is only by grace and hope in great God of wonders, we receive strength and vitality for everyday life.
Life, Religion
God is awesome.Keep seeking Him.
God, Spirituality
May the resurrection power of Christ, awake in us a greater spiritual force and strength, so that we can passionately pursue our God-given dreams.
Passion, God
Elohim! Elohim!Great is the Holy God.
God, Worship
The greatest privileges:You are saved.You are a child of Most High God.You are co-heirs with Christ.You share in Christ suffering, life adversities.You share in Christ glory, strength of will and survival of life's difficulties.
Life itself is sacred.
Life, God
Pursue your God-given goals.
God, Your Journey
Look for a miracle in every encounter.