If you want a new tomorrow, then make new choices today.
Choices, Decisions, Empowerment
You can’t worry about the yesterdays or even the todays. All you can think of are the tomorrows. They are what keep you going when your life seems to be falling apart. Trust me on this.
Future, Past
There is a better future, with a greater purpose. One can find it, only if he or she searches for it.
Life, Hope, Purpose
Let go yesterday and hold out for tomorrow, the future is in the palm of your hand.
When we walk with knowledge in our present and wisdom from our past we are able to discern how to prepare for tomorrow". HS/el
Knowledge, Wisdom, Walk
Remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
Live, Future
What I learn today I shall know forever. Whether or not I remember that I know it is a different story.
Knowledge, Wisdom, Humor