Our world's future is far more malleable and controllable than most people realize.
Inspirational, Wisdom, Change
Lifelong learning is no longer a luxury but a necessity for employment.
Corporate planning cycles are a classic example of generals fighting the last war over again instead of preparing for what might lie ahead.
Success doesn't teach as many lessons as failure
The most important tool you have on a resume is language.
The business world is littered with the fossils of companies that failed to evolve. Disrupt or be disrupted. There is no middle ground.
Plan for ways to get more enjoyment into your life and you will get more joy out of it.
A career is just a longer trip with a whole lot more baggage.
You will have more regrets for the things you didn't try than the ones you tried and didn't succeed at.
Building a career or a company is about living a few years of your life like most people won't so that you can spend the rest of your life living at a level most people can't.
A dream with a deadline is a goal.
Be the best at what you do or the only one doing it.
Starting each day with a positive mindset is the most important step of your journey to discovering opportunity.
Whether driven by ambition or circumstance, every career gets disrupted.
You can truly have it all, just not all at the same time.
Accepting that the odds are against you is the same as accepting defeat before you begin.
It is not incumbent on the world to conform to your vision of change. It is up to you to explain the future in terms that those living in the past and present can follow.
An average idea enthusiastically embraced will go farther than a genius idea no one gets.
CEOs will gladly overpay for a company if the acquisition enables them to keep their jobs.
Speed to fail should be every entrepreneur's motto. When you finally find the one idea that can't be killed, go with it.