Without archives many stories of real people would be lost, and along with those stories, vital clues that allow us to reflect and interpret our lives today.
Reflection, Past, History
As a novelist it is my job to tell stories that inspire and entertain but I am increasingly mindful that many of these historical tales (which of themselves are fascinating) relate directly to our issues in society today.
Society, Entertainment, History
I've always had a keen sense of history. My father was an antiques dealer and he used to bring home boxes full of treasures, and each item always had a tale attached.
Inspiration, Treasure, History
...not stories, but histories. For this too I learned, that a storyteller's tale may end, but history goes on always.
Read the stories of the past to write your story for the future.
Learn, History
History isn't all fact-it's just the story the victors tell to keep themselves in power. And it's been a slow revision. The more time passes, the easier it becomes to reinvent the past.
Secret, Secrets, Time
Don't be scared of scars. They just tell stories that are hard to hear.
Life, Sadness, Pain
Each of us has a family tree full of stories inside of us, Dirk thought. Each of us has a story blossoming out of us.
My grandma loved to be on stage entertaining people. She loves to make people smile and laugh. She loves to brighten other people's day. She often calls perfect strangers her angel, as a way of witnessing, but also to encourage and build their self-esteem.
Love, God, Family
The tatters of old stories are tangled, weathered, muted by long-held silences that succeeded loud feuds, and sometimes no doubt re-dyed a more flattering color.
...Food serves two parallel purposes: it nourishes and it helps you remember. Eating and storytelling are inseparable - the saltwater is also tears; the honey not only tastes sweet, but makes us think of sweetness; the matzo is the bread of our affliction.
Food, Religion, Family
The anthropologists got it wrong when they named our species Homo sapiens ('wise man'). In any case it's an arrogant and bigheaded thing to say, wisdom being one of our least evident features. In reality, we are Pan narrans, the storytelling chimpanzee.
Listen, and you will realize that we are made not from cells or from atoms. We are made from stories.
Many stories begin with a dream, but it is rare when the dream is the story itself.
Dreams, Magic
That’s why we get involved with other people, right? Not just for their bodies, but for everything else, too – their dreams and their scars and their stories.
Dreams, People, Scars
There is only Love - and Stories. All else is but a shadow dream.
Life, Love, Dreams
Wishes are sometimes just stories that have nowhere to go.
Since the beginning of time there was always stories like this,” he replies. “As children we reveled in the dream that there was a place out there that was different from the one we lived in.
Dreams, Children
In dreams and stories we rearrange our lives.
Life, Dreams
Why do bad things happen to good people?''Because it makes a good story.
Life, Life Lessons