As much as we thirst for approval, we dread condemnation.
Righteous moves,Invigorating spirits,Sharing believes, andEmpowering, just onelet's you RISE, above all.
Life, Love, Friendship
The three most important words in a relationship are not, 'I love you,' but, 'Tell me more.
Friendship, Philosophy, Relationships
A friend is always good to have, but difficult to be.
if you don't know what to do, do something, and if you know, don't do something.
Life is colorful, but B&W is just as beautiful
Disconnect yourself from people who cannot add five to your ten words, because, sooner or later, you won't be able to say even a word.
Friendship, Wisdom
The worst thing about being concise with people is the game of puzzle you've made them play.
You can overcome whatever is going on around you if you believe in the light that lives within you.
Light, Edward, Children
Even with the Boy Scouts admitting openly gay youths, its exclusion of LGBT adults teaches our children by example what the organization really thinks about them - and what they should think about themselves.
Children, Lessons
It’s time for the Boy Scouts to open its membership to LGBT adults once and for all. Only then can they claim to have anything to teach our children.
When I encourage someone, I see it as an investment in their resilience.
Inspirational, Children
Of course our most important role as a parent is to have our children know that they are loved and worthy. Even more importantly, it's to help them discover, and fan the flames of whatever it is that they are enthusiastic about!
Parents need to fill a child’s bucket of self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can’t oke enough holes to drain it dry.
Children, Parenting
The best thing parents can do for their children is allow them to be who they were born to be.
Love, Courage, Children
Children need to know that the things that make them vastly different from one another are the very things that make them beautifully special.
Children, Beautiful
If you are lucky, there is a moment in your life when you have some say as to what your currency is going to be. I decided early on it was not going to be my looks.
Life, Women
What I find powerful is a person withthe confidence to be her own self.
Power, Confidence
To access your subconscious, is to access your 'higher-self.
Soul, Purpose
Enlightenment is the Goal - Love is the Game - Taking steps are the rules! - Allan Rufus
Love, Knowledge, Wisdom