Be careful who you tell your secrets to because when situations change... sometimes, so do people.
Change, Secret
People are secretive when they have secrets.
People, Secretive
Mensen, zo heb ik ontdekt, bestaan uit verschillende lagen. Je denkt dat je hen kent, dat je hen begrijpt, maar hun echte drijfveren liggen altijd diep in hun hart verscholen. Je zult ze nooit echt leren kennen, maar soms besluit je hen te vertrouwen.
People always knew more than you gave them credit for. Perhaps, in the end, no one had any secrets at all.
People, Know
Like icebergs, people normally expose only a small part of themselves, and generally just the part they wish to show.
It is absolutely okay with me if you need to keep some secrets. I've been thinking about this and I decided that a best friend is someone who, when they don't understand, they still understand.
Friendship, Friends
It was almost comforting, this mutual acceptance of our secrets.
There is no friendship that cares about an overheard secret.
A benefit of friendship is knowing whom to tell secrets to.
Inspirational, Friend, Friendship
Who who whose smell in the air of her room, whose fingerprints all over her friends’ secret places.
Friendship, Girls, Women
Neither a fake friend nor a liar can be trusted, with a secret.
The only secrets that are good are the ones with an ending. Keep surprises instead of secrets in your home.
Children, Awareness
The thing is, I used to like that: feeling special because I knew something no one else did. It's a kind of power, isn't it, knowing a secret? But lately I don't like it so much, knowing this. It's not really mine to know, is it?
The secret to unseating great power, is not to move the other direction, but to compete directly against their goals.
Power, Competition
It's like she has some sort of captivating fire in her eyes. Sometimes she'll look at me and I feel like she's staring into my soul, reading everything I'm trying to keep hidden.
Love, Soul, Lust
Ô, wine!, the truth-serum so potent that all those who wish to live happy lives should abstain from drinking it entirely!... except of course when they are alone.
Truth, Happiness, Lies
Jews have been the most successful and productive nation in history.
Money, Success
CODE:Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in toil shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.Tanakh (JPS, Genesis 3:17)DECODED:Blessed is He that discerneth secrets.Talmud (Berakoth 58a)
Money, Wealth
The secret to excitement is discovering new paths, and having the courage to take them.
Courage, Discovery
There are many secrets; don’t try to resolve them all.
Philosophy, Poetry, Wisdom