His men had begun gathering the wounded or stunned into a small group some distance back up the slope. Here and there an animal or human stirred, but not many. There were few cries of pain or fear now. Mostly, it was eerily quiet. Even the insects had ceased their music.
Quei due mondi erano specchi deformanti: si riflettevano a vicenda e gettavano luci e ombre l’uno sull’altro, come se s’interrogassero e ponessero in dubbio reciprocamente. L’illusione era così perfetta che dovevo ripetermi in continuazione che una di quelle dimensioni era reale, mentre l’altra non lo era.
Being a mercenary, though... Hey, we just go wherever there's a mixture of money and trouble, and everyone in the galaxy is a potential customer.
Even the people you're paid to shoot at?
Well, yeah. There are customers we serve, and customers we service.
-Captain Kevyn Andreyasn & General Tagon