Tom. Tom, look at me. Has Nora agreed to marry you?""No, but she will because she has to.
Romance, Humour
You are my favourite part of me.
Life, Love, Romance
The kiss wove between gentle and frenzied, liquid and greedy, silken and primal, and he sucked every second of bliss he could from the forbidden pleasure.
Love, Romance
This was home. This was perfection. This was everything he'd never known he wanted. (Griff)
When my hands can no longer make these hammers and strings play for you, my heart will always sing to you.
Even before we met and long after we're both gone, my heart lives inside of yours. I'm forever and ever in love with you.
Love, Marriage, Relationships
We share that misfortune, reaper...
Romance, Heartache
I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you.
Life, Love, Death
Why?"He stopped pacing and looked at her as if she'd just asked him to count every leaf on every tree in the Old Place. "Because... you're you.
Love, Passion, Romance
Never underestimate the capacity for romance, no matter what the circumstances.
I don’t want to be just another guy - because I am the guy for you.- Jared Hoffman
You're just a huge romantic at heart, aren't you?""If there's cash involved, I'm anything you want me to be.
You know what?” he whispered, out of breath, “You’re about to be in a whole lot of trouble. We probably better go.
Love, Desire, Romance
Reality is, Hope and Despair lie in the same places. And they're just a matter of perspective.What changed my perspective, was her.
Love, Inspirational
I am a hopeful romantic. - Charlotte, In the Shadow of Angels
Romance, Hope
A real girl isn't perfect and a perfect girl isn't real.
Funny, Cute
Daemon pressed his forehead against mine. "Oh, I still want to strangle you. But I'm insane. You're crazy. Maybe that's why. We just make crazy together.
Kiss me, so long but as a kiss may last!
Poetry, Kiss
She's always looking for poetry and passion and sensitivity, the whole Romantic kitchen. I live on a rather simpler diet.' 'Prose and pudding?''I don't expect attractive men necessarily to have attractive souls.
Poetry, Passion
Es como si al acomodarnos en el interior del vagón en movimiento quedásemos encapsulados, fuera del mundo, limitándonos a verlo transcurrir plácidamente a través de las ventanillas.
Poetry, Train