Turn your head away from the screen, my friend. It will tell you nothing more.
They walked on rather aimlessly. He hoped she wouldn't notice he was touched, because he wouldn't have known how to explain why. Here lay the great discrepancy between aesthetic truth and sleazy reality.
Truth, Walking
I tell you about a fact and truth. In physical reality of matter, there's no such thing as an imaginary spirit nor spiritual ghost. They are also made of matter, but totally different in size andlaws of physics which rule their life and the way they interact.
Life, Truth
The Sufi must be able to alternate his thought between the relative and the Absolute, the approximate and the Real.
Truth, Psychology
When a lie makes a soft bed for everyone, may the truth lie low. God as commonly understood appears to be one such lie. God as non-existence is not everyone's cup of tea and He better remain so.
Truth, Imagination
True love is wanting to spend the rest of your life with someone you would sometimes also like to strangle.
I spent many years trying to make up reasons about why I had the flashbacks, memories, continuous nightmares. When I finally decided to quit trying to hide from truth, I began to heal.
Truth, Healing
Everything is fine, nobody is happy...
Truth, Happiness
All's a Oneness. There's nothing else.
Truth, God
You're not a piece of nothing, but the all of everything.
If you're born a man, be a man. If a woman, be proud of being one. For, you're not the body, mind, this or that. "Ye are gods!" - human.
The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.
Knowledge, Philosophy
Crazy Horse dreamed and went into the world where there is nothing but the spirits of all things. That is the real world that is behind this one, and everything we see here is something like a shadow from that one.
Dreams, Philosophy
It's impossible to walk through solid rock... You have to walk between the molecules that make up the rock.
Life, Philosophy
We co-create our reality with others in unseen ways.
Philosophy, Inspiration
For me, writing is immortality. It is wisdom. It is never-ending.
Inspirational, Philosophy
Time (again, Time) like the soul, wears many faces, many bodies and climates and attitudes. The past is one face, the present a second and the future yet another.
Philosophy, Poetry
Who are you? No really. Way, way down deep. Who are you?
Instinct is a makeshift, an admission of helplessness before the problem of reality.
We are here and it is now. Further than that, all human knowledge is moonshine.
Knowledge, Wisdom