If water was beer I'd be a teetotaler
Humor, Funny, Humour
Of all the things I expected to find in my lunch, a live snake wasn't one of them.
Life, Humour
When you reach the middle of your career ladder, turn it the other way around and slide down to the top
Best that all mischief be undertaken behind a squeaky door
Life, Wisdom, Humour
If you’re given a dirty look, wash it and give it back.
Never look in the mirror when your stressed it’s contagious
Wisdom, Humour
If you want to know what's going on, keep your mind in the fridge or it might go off.
Life is like a one rung ladder, some days you can be on the top and bottom of the world at the same time
Life, Philosophy, Wisdom
There’s only one person to blame for lack of self confidence
Humour, Confidence
Would you ask a man who bags groceries if he fears death not because it is death but because there are still some interesting groceries he would like to bag?
Death, Humour
When the loneliest place on earth is in your mind, move out!
Mind, Humour
Try jogging when following your heart, it's healthier
Life, Wisdom, Humor
Better to have too much time to manage, than too much money that manages all your time
Life, Wisdom, Time
Eventlessness has no post to drape duration on.
Time, Perception
De atunci femeia-ascunde sub pleoape-o taina si-si misca geana parc-ar zice ca ea stie ceva, ce noi nu stim, ce nimenea nu stie , nici Dumnezeu chiar.
Behind every wolf in sheep's clothing is a trail of dead sheep - rjs
Inspirational, Philosophy
Woe to any sheep that hunts with wolves - rjs
Philosophy, Political
A sheep that walks amongst wolves is called dinner - rjs
Inspirational, Philosophy, Motivational
True beauty lies not upon gilded veneers,But found in the soul within.
Truth, Inspirational, Poetry
Yet, beauty cannot be forgotten,Eternal Wisdom can never die ...