Kendini insan sarrafı sanarak yaşayanlar içindi akıttığım gözyaşlarından biri de. Daha niceleri, söz konusu kendi iyiliği, rahatı olduğunda kimse göründüğü kadar saf değildi.
Love, Wisdom
İnsanın laneti her şeyi basitleştirmeye çalışmasıdır. İnsan her haliyle komplike bir yaratıktır derdin bana. Basit yaşamaya çalıştıkça acı çeker insan. Acıyı kabullenmedikçe küçülür, algılarının kendi üzerine basmasına izin verir.
Life, Inspirational, Wisdom
Beklemediğim bir anda yeniden bana sarıldı. Hiç ummadığımız insanların, hislerimize bir yenisini ekleyebilecek gücü başından beri içlerinde barındırdıklarını, belki de insan olmayı böylesine göz alıcı yapan şeyin bu olduğunu anladığım an’dı.
Life, Wisdom
Who’s happy? Happy is just what people think they are when they can’t find anything to bitch about.
Happiness, Happy
Almost all of our sorrows spring out of our relations with other people. There is no more mistaken path to happiness than worldliness.
The only means by which one could attain complete happiness is to avoid living in constant expectation of it. It's the expectation that causes our unhappiness and consequent bitterness about life
Life, Inspirational, Happiness
People may not like you, but that's cool because your heart doesn't beat from their liking. You can't live to please everyone, you're not a puppet
Love, Truth, Dreams
I have learned that I always feel happier and healthier when I offer genuine love to other people.
Love, Happiness
Idolatry happens when you worship or praise anything excessively to the point of causing you to believe it reigns supreme. All things on this earth are temporal, even your very own desires. Be careful that you do not create idols to worship.
Love, Inspirational, Trust
Everything that looks good may not be good for you. In life, we all take chances. You must carefully examine the pros and cons. People often times have certain hidden agendas. And, you might not realize until you're in too deep.
Love, Truth, Inspirational
The pleasures of living is loving!
Happiness, Friends
(...) poucas vezes a gente encontra pessoas cuja alegria não seja somente digestiva.
Friendship, Happiness
You never meet real people they are just wrapped in blankets of fakeness❤ ❤
Life, Love, Romance
I never had a childhood. Not like the rest of them anyway. I had a starting point from which I have never stopped running.
Life, Love, Dreams
I've developed into quite a swan. I'm one of those people that will probably look better and better as I get older - until I drop dead of beauty.
Death, Beauty
It was like a dream you might have after death in which lost people came back to life, your friends loved you again no matter what you had done, and your failures were unaccountably forgiven.
Life, Death
A place where something so terrible had happened shouldn't continue to exist in the world
Death, Tragedy
Embedded in the larger story of redemption is a principle we must not miss: God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things in the lives of others.
Rafael?””Yeah?”„Do we all have monsters?”„Yes.”„Why does God give us so many monsters?”„You want to know my theory?”„Sure.”„I think it’s other people who give us monsters. Maybe God doesn’t have anything to do with it.
God, Human Behavior
People of God are always people who care about other people and it always comes at some cost.
God, Sacrifice