In the dark you hear movement - a squeak, a hiding. The heart opens, closes, opens.
Heart, Dark, Hiding
Sometimes it's better to show our vulnerability / pain / regrets so others don't think us impervious / unapproachable - be real / open
Pain, Openness, Vulnerability
Maskini mwenye pesa nyingi ni tajiri bahili. Tajiri mwenye mifuko iliyotoboka ni tajiri badhiri.
Truth, Happiness, People
Mtu anayesema pesa haijampa furaha hana nia ya kusaidia watu.
Heri kuishi kama maskini mwenye pesa nyingi kuliko tajiri mwenye mifuko iliyotoboka, kuliko kusema mbele za watu kwamba pesa haijakupa furaha. Wengi hupata jeuri ya kusema hivyo kutokana na umaskini wa watu wanaowazunguka.
Toa msaada katika jamii iliyosaidia kukulea ulipokuwa mdogo.
When within yourself you find the road, the right road will open.
Poetry, Wisdom, Thoughts
Your future is only as bright as your mind is open.
Mind, Future
Books open your mind, broaden your mind, and strengthen you as nothing else can.
Strength, Mind
An introvert talks more than an extrovert because when the mouth is closed, the mind is opened.
Mind, Thoughts, Thought
I believe in always being open to learning more through exploration of everything available and following one's sense of curiosity, creativity, and playfulness.
Learning, Curiosity, Creativity