When you are truly awakened, you have completely stopped trying to become awakened. You simply are. You know that you did not locate awakening; awakening located you.
Inspirational, Wisdom, Spiritual
Realization is not about you, the wave, realizing it is ocean. The ocean realizes itself in you and reveals itself to have never been just a wave. Nothing changes except the falling away of a false belief.
Realization includes everything, the mundane and the transcendental. In true awakening, nothing stands apart and nothing is excluded. If we find ourselves in a state where something is excluded, that state, however amazing it is, is still a dualistic state.
Looking forward” to what you think enlightenment might be at some grand point in the future keeps you from seeing the truth of its presence right now.
All paths are valid, but in the end you will find that the realization of the ultimate truth is a pathless path.
At the moment of enlightenment, everything is dropped - body, mind, all states, all things - everything. At that moment, there is no separate entity that can become enlightened, because there is no I that can experience it.
The One that experiences itself as your body-mind is the same One that experiences itself in every other body-mind, form, or appearance that exists.
Being enlightened ironically means realizing that there is no separate entity that can be enlightened or unenlightened.
In enlightenment, the seer and the seen disappear. Or, more accurately, are seen through as illusions. In reality, they were never there, apart from being concept and misunderstanding.
Even amazing states of bliss, peace, clarity and spaciousness have nothing to do with awakening as these are just experiences coming and going in the impersonal awareness that you are.
Just knowing that there is no gate to pass through doesn’t mean that we are at the end of the search, not if we are still standing outside that gateless gate.
Nothing can be the total truth in the worlds of manifestation and the more solid your concepts, the more likely they are going to sink you, sooner or later.
Zen movement is a meditative practice.
Zen, Spirituality
There is no destination except the one inside of you.
Destiny, Spirituality
We may be focused on looking forward and upward yet looking inward can be the easiest path to take.
Wisdom, Spirituality
Only in stillness does the imperceivable become discernible
Words are the fallen ruins of silent majesty.
Silence, Spirituality
Meditation leads you to your spiritual information, and takes you on a journey of getting to know yourself and your creations.
Spirituality, Spiritual Growth
Start deep within yourself and slowly build outward toward your goal.
Spirituality, Goals
When we constantly meditate on another's faults, it is because we are neglecting our own unhealed wounds.
Spirituality, Focus