Romance her, enhance her, desire her, put her first.
Love, Music, Love At First Sight
I must find you. So I travel to the depths of hell and conquer perverse monsters and repulsive demons and the deceitful vicious devil himself to find the truth.
Honor a good woman because she is virtuous and honorable.
Impulsive passion please set me free.
Creation of a pregnant imagination.
The beauty of words will forever be stronger than the silence of tears.
We simply can’t feel fulfilled by love we pay for.
Joys circular fulfillment was so persistent, when I was weak it gave me strength.
Her silhouette never has regrets.
Reminiscent of a diamond, she is gifted, privileged, and positioned to glisten.
Your love is like star sky showers and magenta unicorns.
You are a fantastic scheme of captivating ecstasy.
Frequent friction when love becomes political.
Every lover is, in his heart, a madman, and, in his head, a minstrel.
Broken hearts don't need medical treatment, they need a lover to mend them.
Love, Heart
When you pour out words from your heart to your lover, make sure they aren't on a paper vessel and lost to the wind.
Love, Emotion, Heart
Don't risk your life for those that doesn't love your life, lest you end up in regrets if not death.
Life, Love, Hate
If you never get your heart broken, you'll never learn to love.
Lovers are the coolest their hearts beat the best & they kiss magic as hell
Love, Heart, Kiss
Regalar un libro es fácil hasta que buscas uno para quien te ha robado el corazón.
Love, Heart, Books