[T]he merciful adjustment which nature makes when what cannot be cured must be endured.
The world around us
conforms to expectations
we place upon it.
Do what makes YOU happy. Focus on what brings YOU joy. Appreciate and do more things that make YOU smile. Live your life for yourself. You matter! You count! You’re deserving of true happiness! This is YOUR life. Live it to the fullest! Live life with no regrets.
True writers know that writing is not something they feel required to do,
or to make a living they must do, it is quite frankly like breathing. Some
can breathe often and fluently, some short breaths, some a long exhale
and for many of us it is the patient steady breathing surrounding life.
It is all about a prefix we burn the candle of life for.
Sometimes the only way to ever find yourself is to get completely lost.