We are born, we grow up, we live our lives as best we can. If we are thoughtful we are good parents and good partners. If we are wise we strive for integrity and intimacy. If we are fortunate we discover love and joy. If we are able, we make the world a little better than we found it. That is all there is for any of us.
Rejoice in the works of your hands, be happy and thankful that you are valuable, that what you say and do insn't taken for a ride, that you have rejected the notion of self-doubt and fear, that God isn't blind towards propagating your positive influence, and finally that you'll leave a meritorious legacy.
Pesta Yunani, pesta kaum demokrat yang membuktikan betapa filsafat dan kegembiraan murni benar-benar adalah saudara sekandung, karena kedua-duanya lahir dari rahim keindahan, yang tiada lain ialah cahaya cerlang keteraturan dan kebenaran, yang telah dibuahi oleh benih segala yang baik, baik melulu, baik murni, baik manusiawi.