Wenn [der Lehrer] wirklich weise ist, fordert er euch nicht auf, ins Haus seiner Weisheit einzutreten, sondern führt euch an die Schwelle eures eigenen Geistes.
Knowledge, Wisdom
I would rather have a good education and no money, than to have a fortune and be ignorant.
Wisdom, Life Lessons
In sandy soil, when deep you delve, you reach the springs below; The more you learn, the freer streams of wisdom flow.
Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding
I've learned far too much to know everything.
Knowledge, Wisdom, Learning
We had some good times at school. I didn't know how good those times was till I left, but I guess that's the way of it
Life, Happiness, Fun
Spending time to learn and to gather better information is what we do most in our lives. We go to school, spend time there, and learn things important in our life. We do this only for one reason, to be happy.
Happiness, Learning
Pray GOD by HEART, Not by HABIT.
Life, Love, Truth
To enjoy a peaceful & Beautiful Life We should open our 'EYE' and Close our 'I
Have and show motivation to do and learn. That's the key for a good career. Everything else is an extrapolation of that.
No teacher has the right to cure a child of making noises on a drum. The only curing that should be practiced is the curing of unhappiness.
Happiness, Learning, Freedom
The only enemy which stands between the talent you posses and success you achieve is known as "EGO" in our Society
The only way to be content in life is to make sure your NEED don't become GREED.
Theres no competition in DESTINY. Run your own RACE and wish others WELL!!!
The most important principle for self discovery and to taste success is rather than changing other's attitude changes your own. And always remember same sun which melts the butter also hardens the clay
Being Wise & Being Smart are two different things anyone can be smart but those who master the art of knowing what to overlook in this journey called life deserves to be called Wise
The only goal in life is to be happy, genuinely, intensely and consistently , regardless of what it looks like to others.
It’s all about “Priorities” There's No Such Thing as "Busy
Find answers in your weakness and surprise in your strength and always remember the golden rule every failure has HOPES
The only principle of Success in Life :"You must be present to win.
No body is a looser either he is a Winner or a Learner