When it comes to my own turn to lay my weapons down, I shall do so with thankfulness and fatigue, and whatever be my destiny after ward, I shall be glad to lie down with my fathers in honour. It is human at least, if not divine.
Death, Pride, Humanity
4.39 HUMANITY & DIVINITYWhen you lose reasoning you forget humanity,When you forget laughter you lose Divinity.[222] – 4
Humanity, Laughter
4. Ditties of Life – 4.39 HUMANITY & DIVINITYWhen you lose reasoning you forget humanity,When you forget laughter you lose Divinity.[222] – 4
Great dream or idea comes up when you are thinking of something other than yourself.
Life, People, Humanity
See with a different eye, visualize with a colorful mind, manifest your thoughts with the energy within.
Dreams, Thoughts, Power
World is a divine play. At the beginning and at the end, we are the same.
Wisdom, Life Lessons, Meaning Of Life
Transform your desire into love, and limits start to lose their usefulness.
Love, Truth, Desire
While the gods remained more human, the men were more divine.
God, Men