I wrote this book to show you that a cure is entirely possible because I've seen it happen over and over again.
Life, Philosophy, Wisdom
I Don't Waste My Time Doing Crosswords, As My Life Is The Only Puzzle I Care To Resolve!
Music, Novel
My Friends I Will Always Remember, And My Enemies I Will Never Forget!
My Name Is Latif Mercado, And I Am... A Workaholic!
That's the beautiful thing about innocence; even monsters have a pocketful of childhood memories with which to seek comfort with.
Love, Hate, Death
Kitabu cha 'Kolonia Santita' ni kitabu cha wasomi na wasiokuwa wasomi, watu wa mijini na watu wa vijijini, watu wazima, vijana na watoto. Hadhira ya kitabu hiki ni jamii nzima ya Tanzania.
People, Children, Society
And what will they do to you when you have told them this story?' Esca said very simply, 'They will kill me.' 'I am sorry, but I do not think much of that plan.' Marcus said.
To Savor The Scene, A Book, or A Friend.
Life, Friend, Friendship
You can overcome whatever is going on around you if you believe in the light that lives within you.
Light, Edward, Children
What should a good children’s book be like? If you ask me, I can tell you after thinking long and hard: It must be good.
Children, Culture
A child's imagination can be found in the heart of a good book.
Children, Kids
It is said that love does not last, that it is just a momentary spell cast upon your soul by some higher power, or a small trick of the mind. If this were all true, there would be no story to tell.
Love, Mind, Power
Your thought should be creative and not destructive; it should be full of hope and faith for a more excellent future.
Power, Thought
How far you go in life and in your career is dependent on how far you can think good thoughts!
Wrong thinking will take your life the wrong way, channeling your thoughts to the right direction will cause you to soar in life.
Always set your mind to think thoughts of victory even before the battle begins, this way you will experience limitless possibilities.
You can use songs, scriptures and godly pictures to chart your thought-course in the right direction.
Your future will definitely head to the same direction with your thoughts; this is why planning your thought is so important.
You are the guardian and custodian of your heart, remember this always!
Choose your thoughts, carve them in your mind and fix your gaze on them always.