Faith is about doing. You are how you act, not just how you believe.
Faith, Belief
Don't mistake activity with achievement.
Work, Completion
If all the world's a stage, I suggest you start performing at your best.
Take Action: Success is not guaranteed but inaction will guaranty failure.
Success, Failure
Do precedes done.No precedes none.
Success, Achievement
Results fuel belief which causes us to take more action and get more results.
Motivational, Success
The man of thought who will not act is ineffective; the man of action who will not think is dangerous.
Intelligence, Danger
Do something instead of killing time. Because time is killing you.
Time, Carpe Diem
POLISH your MIND to reflect the shimmering BEAUTY of your WORDS and ACTIONS.
Mind, Profound, Beauty
The difference between a dream and a fantasy is action.
Fantasy, Dream
Life was a destiny waiting to be seized.
Adventure, Fantasy
Seek Knowledge, Protect Knowledge, Share Knowledge.
Always give the rabble something to love and something to hate.
Dreams must be ground into bread, and the bread eaten.
Dreams, Reality
Actions speak louder than words, in fact. When we don't take action, we foster the mistaken reality of our old identity.
Reality, Art, God
Contemplation + action = breakthrough
Spirituality, Meditation
Any action is good action; do what you can from where you are and build off of that action each day.
Inspirational, Wisdom, Goodness
You don't need to wish harder, you need to work harder.
Inspirational, Philosophy, Wisdom
Your right actions might hurt someone, so if required apologize for your right actions, but don't stop taking right actions.
Hurt, Inspirational, Philosophy
If you are not good at speeches, be good at your actions.