All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers.
Dreams, Success
Every achievement is a servitude. It compels us to a higher achievement.
Success is assured when a person fears the pain of regret more than the pain of the process.
When the awareness of what is achievable brushes your life, your journey has begun.
Life, Awareness, Success
Success works as a cycle - growth and contraction, balancing and unbalancing - all while you're encountering hurdles that get higher and higher over time.
Growth, Balance, Success
Small shifts in your thinking, and small changes in your energy, can lead to massive alterations of your end result.
Inspirational, Change, Growth
True success is a silence inner process that can empower the mind, heart and soul through strong aspiration for great achievement.
Try to turn as many soft, aspirational goals as possible into success criteria, and make them specific enough that you can actually tell whether or not you've met them.
Success, Goals
The measure of a society is not only what it does but the quality of its aspirations.
Society, Success, Goals
Whatever beginning goals you set for yourself, following through on them will build momentum and a sense of achievement and those small success will point the way to bigger ones
Stand tall on the summit after a tedious climb. Take in the remarkable scenery and the exhilaration of accomplishment. But don't pause for long; there are greater mountains to climb while you still possess the drive and capacity to do so.
If you can imagine it you can surely create it
Imagination, Motivational, Success
Consider an achievement accidental if it is not coupled with modesty. Because if the achiever had endeavoured for it, it would certainly have killed their pride.
Pride, Conceit, Success
First achieve small things and you will achieve great things ultimately... and no one will forget.
All great works start with mistake. Ain’t no exception in this fact.
Mistakes, Success
On SUCCESS: "Life Rewards the DO-ers and WOW-makers." (TM)
We are successful the moment we start toward a laudable goal
Victory is not possible, if one doesn't learn from the past and mistakes made.
Victory, Success, Learning The Truth
Big achievements come one small advantage at a time, one step at a time, one day at time.
Success, Self Help
It is well understood in psychology that the subconscious mind has the dominant influence on human decision making, and therefore the pivotal role of the subconscious, for you to achieve success, is inescapable.
Self Esteem, Thought, Success