
Tove Jansson Reading Sayings

Tove Jansson Reading Sayings

Tove Jansson

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When Mats came in the evenings, they would drink tea in the kitchen while reading their books and talking about them. If Katri came in, they were quiet and waited for her to leave. The back door would close, and Katri would have gone.

“Does your sister read our books?” Anna wanted to know.

“No. She reads literature.
Tove Jansson
When Mats came in the evenings, they would drink tea in the kitchen while reading their books and talking about them. If Katri came in, they were quiet and waited for her to leave. The back door would close, and Katri would have gone.

“Does your sister read our books?” Anna wanted to know.

“No. She reads literature.

Reading, Literature