
Bhavya Kaushik Life Sayings

Bhavya Kaushik Life Sayings

Bhavya Kaushik

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We can heal our superficial wounds, but how do we kill the pain inside? How can we heal something which no one except us can feel? There is no doctor, no medicine, and no remedy for something like that. People die from sadness almost every day. How can someone be saved from drowning in a whirlpool of their own thoughts?
Bhavya Kaushik
We can heal our superficial wounds, but how do we kill the pain inside? How can we heal something which no one except us can feel? There is no doctor, no medicine, and no remedy for something like that. People die from sadness almost every day. How can someone be saved from drowning in a whirlpool of their own thoughts?

Life, Pain, Thoughts