
Pascal Mercier Courage Sayings

Pascal Mercier Courage Sayings

Pascal Mercier

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To stand by yourself - that was also part of dignity. That way, a person could get through a public flaying with dignity. Galileo. Luther. Even somebody who admitted his guilt and resisted the temptation to deny it. Something politicians couldn't do. Honesty, the courage for honesty. With others and yourself.
Pascal Mercier
To stand by yourself - that was also part of dignity. That way, a person could get through a public flaying with dignity. Galileo. Luther. Even somebody who admitted his guilt and resisted the temptation to deny it. Something politicians couldn't do. Honesty, the courage for honesty. With others and yourself.

Courage, Honesty, Character, Self Awareness, Self Respect, Dignity, Personality, Self Knowledge