
Angie Karan Krezos Love Sayings

Angie Karan Krezos Love Sayings

Angie Karan Krezos

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The Answer of All your challenges is IN you! Slow down, stop, breathe, listen... Can you hear the answer?? The answer (as we know you know) is already within you - shhhh listen..... do you hear your heart speaking 2U? When we stand firm in the KNOWING of our inner heart value -we are UNSTOPPABLE!
Angie Karan Krezos
The Answer of All your challenges is IN you! Slow down, stop, breathe, listen... Can you hear the answer?? The answer (as we know you know) is already within you - shhhh listen..... do you hear your heart speaking 2U? When we stand firm in the KNOWING of our inner heart value -we are UNSTOPPABLE!

Love, Heart, Stop, Knowing, Speak, Hear