
Rebecca McNutt Best Art Quotes

Rebecca McNutt Best Art Quotes

Rebecca McNutt

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Nobody has ever taken a photograph of something they want to forget. We can build a wall of happy Kodak moments around ourselves, a wall of our Christmases, birthdays, baby showers and weddings, but we can never forget that celluloid film is see-through, that behind it, all the misery of real life waits for our wall to collapse someday.
Rebecca McNutt
Nobody has ever taken a photograph of something they want to forget. We can build a wall of happy Kodak moments around ourselves, a wall of our Christmases, birthdays, baby showers and weddings, but we can never forget that celluloid film is see-through, that behind it, all the misery of real life waits for our wall to collapse someday.

Art, Sad, Family, Nostalgia, Memory, Collapse, Happy, Scary, Fake, Lie