
Zeena Schreck Truth Sayings

Zeena Schreck Truth Sayings

Zeena Schreck

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In order to understand why one chooses to be a Tantric practitioner, there has to be an understanding of cause and effect, cyclic existence, the awareness that the reality that we think we are seeing is not reality as it really truly is. So enlightenment is seeing reality with bare awareness, non-conceptual reality.
Zeena Schreck
In order to understand why one chooses to be a Tantric practitioner, there has to be an understanding of cause and effect, cyclic existence, the awareness that the reality that we think we are seeing is not reality as it really truly is. So enlightenment is seeing reality with bare awareness, non-conceptual reality.

Truth, Reality, Inspiration, Freedom, Independence, Spirituality, Magic, Sexuality, Autonomy, Illusion