
James Patterson Humor Sayings

James Patterson Humor Sayings

James Patterson

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I want to do it too! (sitting motionless)
Nudge: Nope, you stand out like a fart in a church.
Max: (muttering) Appropriately enough.
Iggy: What about me? (stands still)
Max: No, you're visible.
Iggy: Am not!
Max: (throws a pinecone at him) Could I do that if I wouldn't see you?
James Patterson
I want to do it too! (sitting motionless)
Nudge: Nope, you stand out like a fart in a church.
Max: (muttering) Appropriately enough.
Iggy: What about me? (stands still)
Max: No, you're visible.
Iggy: Am not!
Max: (throws a pinecone at him) Could I do that if I wouldn't see you?

Humor, Fang, Max, Maxride, Invisibility