
John Connolly Love Sayings

John Connolly Love Sayings

John Connolly

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But don't they say that all is fair in love and war? I heard that somewhere.
'They?' Who are 'they?'
I don't know. Just people.
That's what the victorious claim, not the defeated; the powerful, not the powerless. 'All is fair.' 'The end justifies the means.' Is that what you believe?
John Connolly
But don't they say that all is fair in love and war? I heard that somewhere.
'They?' Who are 'they?'
I don't know. Just people.
That's what the victorious claim, not the defeated; the powerful, not the powerless. 'All is fair.' 'The end justifies the means.' Is that what you believe?

Love, Victory, Powerful, War