
Wilma Gabriel Dinkha War Sayings

Wilma Gabriel Dinkha War Sayings

Wilma Gabriel Dinkha

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And with every cry that escapes a childs lips.. With every piercing scream that leaves a womans mouth, and with every tear that stains a mans face, a small part of me dies each time.. Because with every drop of Assyrian blood that is spilled, I realise more and more that the blood pumping through my veins is fast becoming a 'Limited Edition
Wilma Gabriel Dinkha
And with every cry that escapes a childs lips.. With every piercing scream that leaves a womans mouth, and with every tear that stains a mans face, a small part of me dies each time.. Because with every drop of Assyrian blood that is spilled, I realise more and more that the blood pumping through my veins is fast becoming a 'Limited Edition

War, Holocaust