
Jean-Marie G. Le Clézio Famous Words Quotes

Jean-Marie G. Le Clézio Famous Words Quotes

Jean-Marie G. Le Clézio

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All words are possible, then, all names. They rain down, all these words, they disintegrate into a powdery avalanche. Belched from the volcano's mouth, they spurt in to the sky, then fall again. In the quivering air, like gelatine, the sounds trace their bubble paths. Can you imagine that?
Jean-Marie G. Le Clézio
All words are possible, then, all names. They rain down, all these words, they disintegrate into a powdery avalanche. Belched from the volcano's mouth, they spurt in to the sky, then fall again. In the quivering air, like gelatine, the sounds trace their bubble paths. Can you imagine that?
