The people can be forced to fear, but not to love.
Love, Fear
It's been my experience, Langford, that the past always has a way of returning. Those who don't learn, or can't remember it, are doomed to repeat it.
Past, History
Something about history stirred him. He liked following in its footsteps.
If you want to live your whole life free from pain,you must either be a god or a corpse.
Life, Pain
And what of failure?"He shrugged."The consequence of not succeesing.Remember what Homer said.Circumstances rule men,not men circumstances.
Life, Men, Failure
The lot of man is to suffer and die.What's gone is of no consequence.
Life, Suffering, Men
What chilling blows we suffer-thanks to our conflicting wills-whenever we show these mortal men some kindness.
Life, Men, Kindness