BiographyType: Poet Born: 0 Died: December 19, 1958 Genius by Birth, Bipolar by Design Stanley Victor Paskavich was born at St. Mary’s hospital in Centralia, Illinois December 19, 1958. After graduating at Sandoval High School, he worked there as a janitor a few years. |
The best self help book I've ever read was, The little Engine that Could.
In the beginning the Poets and Philosophers taught the world to see. Then after that any form of education was no longer free.
So many wish for magic so many beg for fame, but if you could manifest anything you want life would be a boring game.
The only way to set yourself free is to meet each new challenge relatively.
God forgive me for what I've done. God forgive me for what I will do, and forgive me for what I can't do because my religion won't let me.
When I was a kid I loved wall paper it added a lot of fiber to my paint chips.
My definition for GOD that works for me is “Pure Energy, Supreme Consciousness.” The highest resolution of pure energy we use is the sensation we call “love.
Every day in life we’re told who this is and who that is. But when we sit we’re all the same when we remove our hat.
I've heard many say "I'll sell my soul to the Devil"
in hopes of gaining money, power or fame.
Why do they think that they have that much worth over any other person?
And the Devil if there is one wouldn't simply wait for them to condemn themselves on their own
I don't know which I hate most my bills or the money I pay them with...
When it comes to most true bipolars, consider this thought: Genius by birth, bipolar by design.
The best way to overcome depression is to work it to death. Whether it be your body or your mind, just be active and some relief you’ll find.
Been under treatment for PTSD and bipolar since 1992. I’m not ashamed of my illness. I’ve been shunned by many and I feel for those shunned, too.
Many people say that psychiatrists just want to push drugs. Well I seriously have to say, without medication, I’d be locked up in a VA hospital somewhere.
My psychiatrist said I had charisma so at least I'm certified
I admit I have Mental Illness so please no more 'Fruit Cakes' for Christmas Please