-I love you, Lenny.-From the diaphragm.-What are you talking about?-You have to say it from the diaphragm. That's a muscle in here. Real deep, not from the throat. I tried to be an actor once and that's the first thing they told me. That's when I quit. I just didn't have that much in my diaphragm.
Love, Humour
Не знам нищо за утрешния ден, Мишел. Нямам такива луксозни навици. Изградена съм от малк%B
Love, Woman
Tout ce que je veux dire, c'est que si les hommes cédaient toujours à ce qu'il y a en eux de plus humain, il y a longtemps qu'ils ne seraient plus des hommes.
Reality is not an inspiration for literature. At its best, literature is an inspiration for reality.
Quand on a deux corps, il vient des moments où l'on est à moitié.