You can’t let fear and indecision sink your creativity -
they do not easily release their hold.
Fear is the freaky troll under the bridge that leads to achievement.
If high aspirations = high fear, overcoming high fear = achieving high aspirations.
Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others' choices make us.
Urgency means paying the details the attention they deserve, with the respect they deserve, without delay.
Whatever you do, don't wait to start those dreams.
If someone thinks your ideas, the dreams bubbling up inside of you, are stupid, welcome to the Club.
To accelerate success, we must get as close to our dreams as possible as soon as possible.
Dreams don’t get done until they are due.
If time were to take on human form, would she be your taskmaster or freedom fighter?
You can overcome your circumstances or you can let your circumstances overcome you.
The key ingredient in engaging the power available from service is motive.
Your life should consist of more than commuting, working, eating, surfing the Internet, sleeping and watching TV. Your life should be filled with purpose-driven experiences and projects that bring excitement, passion, energy, and authentic meaning and joy into your life.
Mission matching: an ask that creates synergistic congruence (aka win-win) between missions.