This world by itself is a wonder.
Inspiration, World
The inventions of microscopy and telescopy shattered the boundaries of ordinary human perception and fueled the scientific revolution.
Sometimes, when we are far from clocks and schedules, we can still recapture a lost sense of place-based time. On a relaxing camping trip or a long day outdoors, perhaps, we can slip back into the rhythm of the sun.
Time, Nature
How our attitudes are shaped and defended may be more changeable than we realize.
The average American child, by age eighteen, is estimated to have seen eighteen thousand murders and two hundred thousand acts of violence on television. The “death play” of popular video games is accelerating these numbers to ever-higher levels.
Death, Children, Violence
My passion for human ecology was not a drive for closure - but rather the joy of endless openings and newfound connections. There is no final goal or perfect completion, only the expanding experience of being alive.
Passion, Living