You must first of all think justly. Don’t sit in judgment over others when you don’t know the truth of the matter.
Kehidupan lebih nyata daripada pendapat siapapun tentang kenyataan.
Tak ada brahmana angkuh. Mereka hanya lebih mengerti, lebih tahu daripada orang yang menganggap pengetahuan dan ilmu sebagai keangkuhan.
Life can give everything to whoever tries to understand and is willing to receive new knowledge.
Hidup tanpa harapan adalah hidup yang kosong
Binatang itu bicara, makan - tapi tak mengerti dirinya sendiri. Dan aku begitu juga.
I came to see that man finds meaning in his existence only through the active demonstration of his human self, a cosmos comprising the entire constellation of life's factors: culture, civilization, tradition, history, ideals, facts, physical conditions, one's mental state, the ecology, and so on.
I've often heard people say, “Your country is beautiful, a virtual paradise.” When will the people of Indonesia be as beautiful as their land, with a civilization and culture that contributes to the greater beauty of humankind and no longer smothers and strangles the mind?
It is proper for people to have friends, friendships without self-interest. Without friends, life is too lonely.