The good life doesn't knock on the door.
Joy is a job.
They were determined to find something mechanically wrong with him - because broken machines are easier to fix.
...whenever a woman describes a man as sweet, the dalliance is doomed.
Having buck teeth in junior high,” she rounded up unsteadily, “must
be ideal preparation for getting old. For pretty people, aging is a dumb
shock. It’s like, what’s going on? Why doesn’t anyone smile at me at
checkout anymore? But it won’t be a shock for me. It’ll be, oh that. That
again. Teeth.
Maybe the greatest favour a spouse can tender is to overlook what you can't.
I may have spent long enough in your orbit to have absorbed your ferocious conviction that a happy family cannot be a mere myth or that even if it is, better to die trying for the fine if unattainable than sulking in passive, cynical resignation that hell is other people you're related to.
Change is like that: you are no longer where you were; you are not yet where you will get; you are nowhere exactly.