When we see everyone the way God sees them, all their frailties and weaknesses as well as their strengths,we can learn to treat them tenderly. We must also view ourselves from God's perspective: lovingly, tenderly, and patiently. We can do the same with our spouses and other children or family members.
Love, God, Patience
Miracles come from love. Miracles come from a seed of hope, a glimpse, a vision of something beautiful that makes our heart sing, something we can fall in love with so much that we are willing to trust and listen to inspiration. We can act on what we have been guided or led to do. That is when miracles happen; that is faith.
Love, Trust, Faith
You need to be able to find hope in your circumstances. We need it for ourselves and our children. Laurie and I both believe that when we reflect on all that we have and all that we love and all that we are thankful for, we feel that hope and that peace. We feel God keeping us buoyed up. We are able to face the challenges.
Love, Peace, Hope
I truly believe that the children who are diagnosed with cancer are some of the wisest, sweetest, strongest, and most loving children. They have gained a bigger perspective of the world in such a short time. They become wise beyond their years.
Children, Perspective, Wise
Another thing we can learn to do is to be more grateful for every day we have with our children. None of us ever knows how long we have on Earth, so it is imperative that we live and love each moment we have. For some of us, our children’s days do become numbered and we learn how to make the best of every moment we have left with them.
Love, Death, Live
There is no shame in asking for help; it is one the most courageous things you’ll ever do and will lead to greater connection with those around you.
Courage, Connection
No matter your circumstance, there is hope, strength, and courage to be found.
Courage, Strength, Hope