How can I use what most excites me to achieve what I most want to be, do, or experience?
When you imagine and clearly articulate your goals in writing, you access the creative energy of your right brain. Imagination and creativity allow you to find solutions to problems that were not previously available to you and give your left brain an opportunity to be receptive to new ideas.
Frustration is an important directional arrow. It shows you where to go to move forward. And what to move away from.
When you dream, do not worry about how you must orchestrate events to ensure your success. Focus instead on why your dream is important to you. When you define your dream with razor-sharp clarity and articulate why you want to pursue it, answers about how to do it will begin to become clear.
Practical management of your time includes taking responsibility of your choices.
Do the next right thing and the next right step will reveal itself to you.