Love always wins over hate
Love, Truth, Inspirational
To me comedy is about getting people to forget the troubles in their lives ... even if for only a split second. I remember my dad when he was sick. If I got him to laugh he would forget about his pain ... If only in that moment
Live today as if there is no tomorrow.
Anywhere you are standing right now is like no where else on earth. So look at the cars, the trees, the buildings and soak it all in.
Love, Humor, Humour
vote early vote often
Political, Politics
What is the golden role? Some say it is make a ton of money. Some say it's have a career you can brag about. I say it's Leave this world better then you found it.
Love, Inspirational, Politics
When my comedy get's someone to react... anger, laughing, crying, whatever... I know I did my job
Reality, Humor