Sometimes it's better to show our vulnerability / pain / regrets so others don't think us impervious / unapproachable - be real / open
Pain, Openness, Vulnerability
You need peace to ground you and courage to act from the centre of yourself.
Peace, Courage
my face for peace - no more war in my name
Peace, Name, War
Words to invoke peace & awareness. Words to create freedom and fairness. Words to plant sacred seeds. and sing us back into balance.
Sing, Peace, Freedom
When you truly sing, you sing yourself free. When you truly dance, you dance yourself free. When you walk in the mountains or swim in the sea, again, you set yourself free.
Dance, Sing, Freedom
Cherish the others in your life. Cherish your freedom to be yourself. Cherish your freedom to choose who you want to be, what you want to do next.
Freedom, Choice, Choose
just a little bit longer, sing: like rain, like sand, like wind in the night, prickling" from the poem - STAY from the book "Riding the Escalator
Poetry, Music
like sunlight under their skins, they want to be loved" from the poem STAY in RidingTheEscalator
They come here wanting to be loved, and the boys on the stage receive them" from the poem - STAY in the Book - RidingTheEscalator
All in tune with love and the slow world moving" from the poem - STAY from the book - RidingTheEscalator
never put all the good people in one plane, ship, train .....
People, Good
grappling with some small understanding of this place, this time, we're in" my poem "In a BishopsWood Clearing
Children, Poem, Understanding
The children walk away from me, flick flickety off at a tangent between thin blotched beech trunks, then turn like yo-yos at the end of their strings and come back to me" from the poem "In a BishopsWood Clearing
Poetry, Children, Poem
We have the greatest power through love that can be known. It overcomes everything with its fierce and steady truth, if you can continue to stand in it.
Love, Power
The steady soul and the ego pretender / walk with their arms round each other's shoulders / through the mirage.
Soul, Ego, Pretend
Grace enters the soul where love lies serene.
Love, Soul, Grace
Love yourself enough to take care of your health of mind, body, and soul as a top priority, then you'lll be fit to face anything.
Love, Soul, Mind
Grant me the wisdom to know when to keep trying and when to stop wasting time, the patience to keep going with the 1st, and the courage & serenity to let go of the 2nd.
Courage, Wisdom, Serenity
Let's follow our curiosity & our joy.
Joy, Curiosity
World & people only seem unlovable due to toxins & lies they've been fed. Release distortions of mind. Return all to innocence & freedom
Lies, Mind, Freedom