Confidence that one's impressions are God-given is no guarantee that this is really so, even when they persist and grow stronger through long seasons of prayer. Bible-based wisdom must judge them.
Wisdom, Bible, Feelings
Only when it is seen that what decides each individual's destiny is whether or not God decides to save him from his sins, and that this is a decision that God need not make in any individual case, can one begin to grasp the biblical view of grace.
God, Grace
There is nothing more irreligious than self-absorbed religion.
Your faith will not fail while God sustains it; you are not strong enough to fall away while God is resolved to hold you.
Strength, Faith
There is tremendous relief in knowing His love to me is utterly realistic, based at every point on prior knowledge of the worst about me , so that no discovery can disillusion him about me , in the way I am so often disillusioned about myself, and quench his determination to bless me.
Truth, Christ, Christianity
Every time we mention God we become theologians, and the only question is whether we are going to be good ones or bad ones.
Bible, God, Christianity
What we often feel in ecstatic moments in this world - 'I don't ever want this to stop' - will be the constant thought of our hearts in that world. We shall think it, knowing that in fact it never WILL stop.
Heaven, Christianity
The Puritan ethic of marriage was first to look not for a partner whom you do love passionately at this moment but rather for one whom you can love steadily as your best friend for life, then to proceed with God’s help to do just that.