You're aunt's just-what is it-down the hall. You know damn well this place isn't soundproofed.""You'll just have to be quiet." He gave her ribs a deliberate tickle that made her jump and yelp. "Or not.""Didn't I bang you already today, twice this morning?""Darling Eve, you're a pathetic romantic.
Why do you always have to put you and McNab and sex in my head? It brings pain no blocker can cure.
Drugs, sex, Satan, and power, Eve mused. A religious war? Hadn't humans fought and died for beliefs since the dawn of time? Animals fought for territory; people fought for territory as well. And for gain, for passion, for beliefs. For the hell of it.
Religion, War
Marriage isn't for the weak or lazy. It's work, and it should be. What would be the point otherwise?
There it was, Eve supposed. There was the answer to why people got tangled up with people. Because when you were down, when you were wallowing, someone you mattered to would ask if you were okay.
Friendship, Friends
I want to keep you, till the end of days.
Business crises energize me. Personal crises devastate me. The doctors call it an avoidance tendency. (Mirena to Eve)
Psychology, Avoidance