Your current circumstances are part of your redemption story He is writing.
A thought to ponder: If I couldn't use words to speak, what would my life be saying?
We accomplish much more when we are working WITH Him than when we are working for Him!
Knowledge unlocks the door to the mysteries of our mistakes; wisdom guides us away from repeating them". HS/el
He uses our past to positively affect our present and secure our future.
If we really believe that He who begun the work will be faithful to complete it, why do we put a time limit on Him? EL
He may not necessarily calm the storm but He can calm you in/thru the storm! jw
What, whom we put our hope in determines our stability!" EL
God reveals possibilities through impossibilities"! EL
To resist evil is to stand firm against the wrong committed without reacting to the wrong-doer!
The more we talk about our troubles and our fears, the more life we breathe into them". HS/el
In order to discern truth in our hearts, we must unpack the lies". HS/el
If 'truth' is an 'unveiled reality,' then my truth may not be your truth yet!
Complaining opens the door to conflict and thankfulness slams it shut!
Peace that transcends all understanding is contentment in uncertainty." el