The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live -moreover, the only one.
Man starts over again everyday, in spite of all he knows, against all he knows.
I try-without success-to stop finding reasons for vanity in anything. When I happen to manage it nonetheless, I feel that I no longer belong to the mortal gang. I am above everything then, above the gods themselves. Perhaps that is what death is: a sensation of great, of extreme superiority.
Cunoașterea este o plagă pentru viață, iar conștiința o rană deschisă în sâmburele vieții.
Between Ennui and Ecstasy unwinds our whole experience of time.
The desire to die was my one and only concern; to it I have sacrificed everything, even death.
În afară de materie,totul este muzică:însuşi Dumnezeu nu e decât o halucinaţie sonoră