BiographyType: Spiritual Author Born: 0 Died: Eleesha, is a renowned Automatic-Writer, Soul Channeler & Spiritual Author of a new book, "The Soul Whisperer: A Trilogy of Soul Awakening, Revelations & Insights". Eleesha, first discovered her enigmatic channeling automatic writing gift as a child. It was through tragedy, that she recently re-discovered her gift to bring forth a profound rendition of her auto-written Soul affirmations; inspiration, quotes and sayings. |
Affirm your life's destiny & purpose to ensure - both are graciously fulfilled.
When you walk in the company of your courage, nothing & no one - can stand in your way.
In expression of Fatherhood I evolve to become - all I was destined, to be.
Embrace all you do not just want - but, all you truly deserve.
May you enter into a new phase in your life. One that affirms your life's purpose.
May you find solace & be comforted by love’s inner warmth, and glow.
Let the voices of all mothers be heard, as we come to honor the gift of Motherhood.
On this day of love, embrace the freedom, to not just give love - but to receive it, too.
Soulfully partake of life, not how you envisage – but, in a manner that was ordained.