You start out wanting to change the world through language, and end up thinking it's enough to tell a few good jokes.
Cuddling was for great aunts and teddy bears. Cuddling gave him cramp.
And is that what love looks like - all wet mouths and your skirt rucked up?"
"Sometimes it is.
An amusing story? She jabs the call button as if poking an eye. She doesn’t want an amusing story, she wants change, a break, not anecdotes. Her life has been stuffed with anecdotes, an endless string of the bastards, now she wants something to right for once. She wants success, or at least the hope of it.
Keep the change," he smiled. Was there ever a more empowering phrase than "Keep the change"?
But how can you not like music? That's the same as not liking food! Or sex!
No, friends were like clothes: fine while they lasted but eventually they wore thin or you grew out of them.
Nevertheless she feels a great wave of affection for Dexter Mayhew. In eight years not a day has gone by when she hasn't thought of him. She misses him and she wants him back. I want my best friend back, she thinks, because without him nothing is good and nothing is right.
It's scented! Your wedding invitations are scented?"
"It's meant to be lavender."
"No, Dex - it's money. It smells of money.