If you`re wondering how you`ll find time, it means you don`t really want to read. Because nobody`s ever got time. Children certainly haven`t, nor have teenagers or grown-ups. Life always gets in the way. <...>Time to read is always time stolen. <...>Stolen from what? From the tyranny of living.”- p.125
Books, Reading, Literature
We keep quiet about what we read. Our enjoyment of a book remains a jealously guarded secret. Perhaps because there`s no need to talk, or because it takes time to distill what we've read before we can say anything. Silence is our guarantee of intimacy. We might have finished reading but we`re still livingthe book.
When you buy a jacket, it’s important the pockets are big enough for a paperback!
Books, Reading
L'homme construit des maisons parce qu'il est vivant, mais il écrit des livres parce qu'il se sait mortel. Il habite en bande parce qu'il est grégaire, mais il lit parce qu'il se sait seul.
Wisdom, Reading, Intimacy
Sloveso číst nestrpí rozkazovací způsob. Tuto nechuť sdílí s několika dalšími: se slovesem "milovat"... nebo například "snít"...
Jak skvělí jsme bývali pedagogové, když jsme se o pedagogiku pranic nestarali!
Reading, Children