I write and that way rid myself of me and then at last I can rest.
(...) às vezes não se tem o que escrever mesmo quando se tem o que falar.
Love is now, is always. All that is missing is the coup de grâce- which is called passion.
I ask myself: is every story that has ever been written in this world, a story of suffering and affliction?
In the world there exists no aesthetic plane, not even the aesthetic plane of goodness.
(...) poucas vezes a gente encontra pessoas cuja alegria não seja somente digestiva.
Do not mourn the dead. They know what they are doing.
A guerra é boa talvez no sentido de chamar a atenção para certos problemas.
The world's continual breathing is what we hear and call silence.
- How does it feel to have a daughter?
- At times it's like holding a warm egg in my hand.